Bob O’Neill’s Bridges
I was asked to do some model bridges for a St. Louis Science Center display. They only gave me about two foot square by six feet tall. I made two of the bridges from Erector stuff and added a few model RR bridges from my collection.
Bob O’Neill’s Railroad Bridge
Bob writes: This is my newly rebuilt type one bridge. I’m adding a double track deck with standard/wide gauge Gargraves track. I enjoyed a recent article about a standard gauge club back east. I hope to get something like that started here in St. Louis.
Bob O’Neill’s Type 1 Bridge
Bob writes: Here is my attempted to build the type one bridge from the early teens; the one with the boy sitting on top. I placed a 1931 Hudson on it to show its size. Over all it’s just a little over 9ft. I used the parts from two 1920 #10 sets and use it for a portable antique train display that I set up at the Museum of Transport here in St. Louis.
It will carry a four track “O” gage main line or a double track standard main or a one track LGB main. I used it for a standard gage dog bone as the top layer of a nine layer display 32ft by 18ft.